
Faces of Renewable Energy – SkyFire Calgary’s Vilasini P. Pillay

SkyFire’s vision is to bring the magic of solar to the world for a stronger, healthier and more sustainable global community. As part of this grand vision, we would like to inspire you by sharing stories of local green heroes in your communities.

This “Faces of Renewable Energy” series will shine a light on the difference renewable energy is making in people’s lives across Western Canada. We will be showcasing SkyFire team members, customers and community partners.

In our fifth episode, we feature Vilasini P Pillay, Brand & Community Engagement Manager at SkyFire. Vilasini is also the CEO of Alberta Renewable Energy Co-operative (AREC). She played a key role in developing Alberta’s first local Green Offset Program, which allows individuals and businesses to directly purchase locally generated Green Energy Offsets from small solar or wind generators. In this interview, she shares about her passion for renewable energy, the SPARK Green Offset Program and what she finds is the “magic” of solar.

Check out episode 8 of Faces of Renewable Energy – SkyFire Founder and CEO David Kelly.