
The Top Four Reasons to Install a Solar Photovoltaic System in the Fall


We can all agree that the spring and summer is the best time for solar energy production but when is the ideal time for a solar installation? Most would assume spring is the best time, however, fall and winter are actually the best time to design and install your solar project. Read on to find out the top four reasons why.


Beat the Spring Rush 

Spring and summer is the busiest time for solar installers and can lead to longer than average wait times. Installing your solar PV system in autumn can drastically reduce wait times, which means you will start saving on your electricity bills sooner and are ready to produce power by the peak spring months of April and May.

Take Advantage of Solar Incentives Before They Are Gone 

Solar incentives help to make the decision to go solar a no brainer. In some instances, you could save up to 15% of the cost of going solar (City of Edmonton). Incentives vary from province to province and by municipalities within each province and can come and go at any time. So be sure to strive when the time is right to maximize on your investment. To learn more about the incentives in your community, click here to review. 


Benefit from Winter Production 

Some homeowners wait until summer to start their project because they think that solar panels don’t make electricity in the winter. However, your solar panels generate power year-round so you can enjoy the financial benefits of solar as soon as your panels are connected. While winter production is less due to less sunlight and about a 3% loss from snow, solar panels actually operate more efficiently when it is cold outside helping to counteract these losses.


Offset Winter Heating Costs 

Installing your solar system in the fall or winter also means you’ll have your solar PV system set up in time to offset high electricity bills associated with increased heating usage in winter. Installing in the fall could help to mitigate your costs when your furnace is running full time.

There you have it, four reasons to install your solar project in the fall or winter. If now is the time for you to realize your dream of solar power we would be delighted to help you. Contact us for a free consultation here or give us a call at 1-877-593-4731.

We look forward to helping you achieve your dream of owning solar.